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Simul­taneous Ring

Another simple setting to help you avoid missing calls.

What is Simultaneous Ring?

Simultaneous Ring is part of our suite of “Never Miss a Call'' features on the Vonage Business Communications platform. It automatically rings a set of phones or extensions when a call comes in. Simultaneous Ring is found under Call Forwarding in the VBC app settings.


Simultaneous Ring from Vonage

Vonage offers industry-leading business communications solutions that companies around the world use and trust every day. Simultaneous Ring is just one of the 50+ features (most included with the service, some as paid add-ons) available with Vonage Business Communications that allow you and your employees to stay connected, collaborate efficiently, and deliver a consistent, omnichannel, personalized customer experience.

  • Ease of use — Once set up, Simultaneous Ring automatically rings your designated phones or extensions. 

  • Mobility — You can get all of your calls on the go, or make sure the calls can be answered by someone else.

  • Productivity — When you activate call forwarding with Simultaneous Ring, you can minimize missed calls when you’re out of the office.

  • Convenience — In essence, you are automatically enabling call forwarding to all of your phones or extensions. 


Still have questions about Vonage Simultaneous Ring?

To access VBC services and apps, including our simultaneous call ringing capabilities, start by selecting a VBC plan that is right for your business. View our plans and buy online, schedule a conversation, or simply call 855-430-6401 to discuss your needs with a business VoIP expert.



Simultaneous Ring allows incoming calls to ring up to five different numbers at the same time — desktop phones, cell phones, etc. Unanswered calls are sent to the voicemail of the designated number. Super users and administrators can set Simultaneous Ring for any extension and account, while end users can set for their own extension only.

In the VBC app, go to Settings, then click on Call Forwarding. When you select Simultaneous Ring, you have the option to set up to five numbers to ring for an incoming call; send the call to voicemail after a certain period of time — from 1 ring/5 seconds up to 12 rings/60 seconds; and set the Caller ID. (The process is slightly different in the admin portal.)

Simultaneous Ring can also be turned off in the VBC app (the process is slightly different in the Admin Portal). Go to Settings, click on Call Forwarding, and unselect Simultaneous Ring.

With Vonage, there is no extra charge for Simultaneous Ring — it’s automatically supported as one of the “Never Miss a Call” features that come with Vonage Business Communications.

Yes. The default is to show the original Caller ID. But you can also set the feature to show a different number, which can be any internal or external extension or number.


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