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Three No-No’s That Make for a Bad Customer Experience

This article was updated on February 13, 2023

You’re a customer-focused leader and you vow never to be associated with bad CX. Then again, you’re also a consumer and human being—which means you’ve undoubtedly had your share of head-shaking experiences. So let’s put these together and review the business implications of a bad CX.

1. I have to say it again?!?

We’ve all been there. Calling into a company for help, explaining the issue to the first agent … only to be transferred to a second agent who has no clue about your call. This is an all-too-familiar story.

According to the Vonage Global Customer Engagement Report, 61% of consumers note repeating themselves as the top frustration when communicating with a business or service provider. It’s important to get your contact center situated so that your agents can properly address customers—with context—regardless of when they are brought into a call.

Bottom line: If you make customers repeat themselves, then make plans to lose them.

2. Anybody there? 

According to the Vonage report, 30% of consumers prefer contacting a business through their mobile phone. It’s too bad that their calls may go unanswered. And they can’t reach the business through other channels. Having no one to address the call, with no other channels available to get help, is the second-most frustrating hurdle for consumers.

The takeaway here is two-fold: (1) Consumers have a few favorite ways to communicate and (2) we all love options. It’s not uncommon for a customer to call during high call volume. Rather than have the customer wait, providing other channels—think live chat—helps immediately address the customer request. This mitigates frustration and starts the course toward a positive customer experience.

Bottom line: You give your customers peace of mind when you give them multiple ways to reach you.

3. Can't you follow along? 

Customers follow a unique path and schedule. If they first call you at 8 am and decide to follow up with a midnight text, that’s their prerogative. Same if they start with an email on a Monday and then continue the conversation over social on Thursday.

These examples can easily lead to frustration. But how can you stay in control of the context across channels? Start by arming agents with the tools to deliver an omnichannel experience, where every customer interaction, regardless of time or channel, is cumulatively collected. Now your agents can see the communications to date, in full context, and help resolve the customer concern faster. Customers don’t have to repeat themselves, and you can deliver a more efficient experience.

Bottom line: Be nimble, be quick, and be informed as you engage customers on their schedule.

All together now with Vonage Contact Center

What do the three customer pain points above have in common? The need for a holistic solution, where your contact center agents can enter a call or take over for a colleague with all the context they need. Add a host of tools—such as CRM integration, custom dashboards and reporting, omnichannel capabilities to reach customers on their favorite platforms, and more—and you’re ready to boost your sales and service delivery.

And it all starts with the cloud-based Vonage Contact Center. Request a demo today.

By Ryan Yee Copywriter, Conversational Commerce

Ryan Yee is a long-time copywriter with B2C and B2B experience across agriculture, biotech, finance, healthcare, technology, and more. He still fondly remembers (?) the papercuts from proofing film and sleep deprivation from late-night press checks. He’s a San Francisco native with love for his nieces and nephews, hometown Giants, and anything even remotely associated with food (utensils optional).


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