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Deepen engagement with your fans on Twitter Messages

With, you can run interactive Twitter campaigns and let your followers have personal dialogues with you through automated conversational commerce within Twitter Messages.

Chat conversation in Twitter DMs with commerce transaction
Twitter shopping conversation by tag

Start shopping conversations from your tweets

Open one-to-one dialogues with potential shoppers on Twitter by automatically detecting purchase intent from retweets, hashtags, ‘Buy’ buttons, etc.

Transactional conversation between Twitter DM and Highstreet platform

Identify and engage shoppers on Twitter

Share catalogs and guide your customers through product consideration and selection, privately, over Twitter Messages.

3 friends having a chat conversation

Don't miss another conversation

Scale up your ability to engage with every potential customer, using a combination of smart AI-driven bots and live agents.

Two girls liking and retweeting each other

Convert your followers into friends

Increase the level of comfort your audience experiences with your brand by learning about their interests and preferences and staying top-of-mind.

Ecommerce transaction within Twitter DMs

Process transactions within Twitter Messages

Enable a frictionless checkout experience inside Twitter Messages, integrated with popular payment solutions.

Never worry about syncing it all

Keep your catalog, orders, shipping, payment information, and customer data secure, integrated, and updated at all times, across your enterprise-wide systems.
Pictogram of chain links

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