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Send updates and enable shopping conversations over SMS

With, you can cut through the clutter and widen your reach by adopting two-way SMS for business-to-consumer conversations, shopping advice, and sales.

SMS Marketing
SMS Marketing Discount Image

Get higher delivery and open rates with SMS

Ensure wider delivery and higher open rates for your brand messages, important updates, and marketing promotions.




SMS Marketing Product Image

Converse with customers on mobile devices

Use two-way texting to enable shopping conversations that drive product consideration and sales.
Automated Customer Reactions

Automate conversations with SMS flows

With AI-powered chat bots, you can easily have one-on-one conversations with shoppers around the world.

SMS Analytics

Get to know your shoppers

With SMS analytics, you can track opens, URL clicks, and replies from every customer to better understand their preferences and needs.


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Stay top of inbox and top of mind

Send order updates, encourage cart recovery, share discount coupons, and more through frequent and targeted SMS communications.



Never worry about syncing it all

Keep your catalog, orders, shipping, payment information, and customer data secure, integrated, and updated at all times, across your enterprise-wide systems.
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