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Move away from the headache of on-premise equipment

Vonage Contact Center removes the burden of managing complex telephony networks and infrastructure, and frees you up to look after what matters most—your customers.
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Illustration of an contact center agent.

Cloud features

A cloud contact center offers a pay-as-you-go, software-as-a-service commercial model, which means you don’t need capital expenditure to invest in your infrastructure. Instead, you pay a monthly license to access a multi-tenant cloud environment that delivers proven availability, disaster recovery, and fully up-to-date functionality to all customers.
The cloud delivers a far more flexible solution to organizations than on-premises equipment. Instead of making an investment to cover your maximum levels of activity, you can simply pay for the number of licenses you require and scale per your business requirements.
With a cloud contact center solution, you’re always up-to-date with the latest version of the product, so your organization is always benefiting from improvements and new features, without having to make any updates.
Installing and integrating traditional on-premises equipment can take months, even years, and require a substantial amount of time to train users. A cloud contact center solution can be ready in weeks, days, or even hours, which means you’re delivering added value to your organization as soon as possible.
Every organization needs to consider how it would operate in the event that their workforce can’t get to their usual place of work. With Vonage, the contact center can be run remotely as needed, users can log in from any location that provides internet and telephony access, and you can even deploy Vonage as a disaster-recovery solution in parallel to your existing on-premises equipment.

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